The Best Stories are Nonfiction

Discover Your True Inner Author with The SWIFT Method. Master self-publishing, supercharge your reading comprehension, and create an unforgettable brand.

Writers Readers
Self-publishing has evolved

Whether you embrace AI technology or stick to traditional writing, mastering the full spectrum of book creation is crucial.

  • Overwhelmed by the complexities of self-publishing?
  • Difficulty in establishing a unique and memorable author brand?
  • Challenges in marketing and promoting nonfiction books effectively?
  • Limited time and resources to manage all aspects of self-publishing?
  • Struggling to retain and apply the knowledge from books you read?
Guiding Writers. Connecting Readers.

Become A Master Of Nonfiction Books With The SWIFT Method


Story-Based Solution

Every best-seller has its own unique story to tell.


Who and Why

You will find success if you provide solutions for your target audience.


Intentional Interest

Uncover your best content to keep readers engaged in the journey.


Focus and Flow

Find your creative flow, eliminate distractions and increase productivity.


Tactical Teamwork

Network with experts who value your message to help make it accessible for a larger audience.

One Passion, Two Clubs

Writers Club

The SWIFT Method makes the nonfiction self-publishing process easy, fun and transformative for you and your readers. You get step-by-step guidance as you go from idea to author.

Readers Club

It’s one thing to read a book and feel motivated for a day but that’s not going to get you the change you desire. It takes a full emersion that only a growth-minded group can create.

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Hi! I’m John.

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